Affiliate program

Register an account and get an affiliate link. Earn money on building ties between merchants and Utolla.

If you bring someone who becomes our partner — you will get a percentage of their profit.

You'll be getting reward for 2 years for each account within two years from the moment of it's registration. The more merchants you bring — the bigger reward you get. Check the details below:

Affiliate level Total merchant Turnover Reward
1 0.1 — 5 BTC/month 0.1% per transaction
2 5 — 10 BTC/month 0.15% per transaction
3 10 — 25 BTC/month 0.2% per transaction
4 25 — 50 BTC/month 0.25% per transaction
5 50+ BTC/month Individual offer

Reward is paid monthly in a convenient way for you in agreement with the Utolla support.

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